Steambrite Carpet Cleaning Services – Tarpon Springs FL

Spring Cleaning Checklist – It’s That Time of Year Again

Spring Cleaning

After a long winter full of holidays and sports, spring is almost here. It’s that time of year again. Yes, we are talking about spring cleaning time. Time to open the windows before our air conditioners are running all the time and do a complete cleaning of the house for a fresh start this spring.

If you are ready to get started but are not sure where to start, Steambrite Cleaning Services has made an easy list to help you get started.  At first it may seem overwhelming, but if possible assign different areas to family members and don’t forget to call Steambrite to deep clean many of the areas of your house that probably need it.

The first thing you must do is go through and get your house picked up and organized.  Once you have it organized you can begin going through each room and cleaning in different rooms and sections.

Spring Cleaning in All Rooms

  • Clean windows and windowsills
  • Vacuum, wash, or dry clean curtains
  • Dust corners and hard to reach places for cobwebs
  • Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • Dust or polish any furniture

Spring Cleaning Floors

Spring Cleaning Bedrooms

  • Rotate and flip mattresses
  • Professional steam cleaning for mattress
  • Wash sheets, mattress pads, and bed skirts
  • Freshen pillows outside or in dryer on no heat with dryer sheet
  • Organize drawers and closets (if possible, store winter cloths)

Spring Cleaning Bathrooms

  • Organize cabinets and drawers
  • Clean sink and bathtub
  • Wash shower curtain
  • Wash all towels including any decorative ones
  • Deep clean toilet
  • Clean backsplash and countertops
  • Professional vertical tile and grout cleaning for any tile surfaces

Spring Cleaning Kitchen

  • Organize and clean drawers
  • Clear out cabinets and wash all shelves
  • Wipe down the front of all cabinet fronts for drawers and cabinets
  • Clean and wipe down all counter space
  • Clean behind and under refrigerator and dishwasher
  • Sanitize sink and clean drain
  • Sanitize garbage disposal
  • Professional vertical tile and grout cleaning for any tile surfaces
  • Clean Appliances
    • Refrigerator and Freezer
    • Oven
    • Microwave
    • Coffeemaker
    • Toaster/toaster oven
    • Scrub stovetop or range

Spring Cleaning Living Room

  • Wipe down television screen
  • Vacuum all furniture
  • Clean fireplace if applicable
  • Professional steam upholstery cleaning of all upholstery furniture
  • Professional leather cleaning of all leather furniture

Spring Cleaning Office

  • Organize paperwork and clutter
  • Clean keyboard
  • Dust or wax desk
  • Wipe down all equipment including printer, monitor, desktop and other you may have.
  • Disinfect computer mouse and phone

Spring Cleaning Laundry Room

  • Clean behind and under washer & dryer
  • Deep clean lint trap in dryer with vacuum hose
  • Disinfect inside washer by sprayer down with cleaner and scrubbing. Can also bleach wash with hot water afterwards to clean out and build up.
  • Wipe down the outside of both the washer and dryer

Spring Cleaning Outside

  • Organize garage and if needed have floor professional steam cleaned.
  • Wash Screens
  • Clean any decks. Have them professional cleaned as needed.
  • Hose –out and clean garbage cans and recycling bins

Congratulations, you have completed our spring cleaning check list.  You can sit back and relax and enjoy knowing your home is clean and organized.

Steambrite Cleaning Services Can Help with Deep Cleans

If you are deep cleaning your home for spring, Steambrite would like to help.  Now is a great time to get those carpets and upholstery deep cleaned.  Dust mites, dander, and pollen can get imbedded into them and cause breathing problems for family and guests.  It’s also a great time to get your tile and grout cleaned on your floors and the vertical tile in your kitchen and bathrooms.
Call us 727-940-5364 today or contact us here today!


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